green house effect 中文翻译
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the greenhouse effect翻译
o(╯□╰)o green house effect-芝士回答你是要翻译还是要让我回答你的英文问题?芝士万儿回答,版权必究,未经断许可,不得红务转载无聊的问题. 这些年天气情况越来越差,越来越热.据说由于温室效应的作用,我们可能失去冬天.你觉得这世界气候变化Climate Change(温室效应Green House Effect)英文介绍PP_百度文库世界气候变化Climate Change(温室效应Green House Effect)英文介绍36、“不可能”这个字(法语是一个字),只在愚人的字典中找得到。拿破仑。37、不要生气要争气,不要看破要突破。
green-house effect
green house effect jiyong thank you_作业帮应该是这样的吧“Green-house effect”是“温室效应”的意思解析看不懂?免费查看同类题视频解析green house是什么意思_green house怎么读_green house翻译_用法_发音_词组_同反义词_温室_陶瓷生坯存放室-新东方在线英语词典adj.of or relating to or caused by the greenhouse effect 同义词:greenhouse 用作名词(n.) The greenhouse was located on the roof of the house. 温室位于房顶上。Contamination with 。
Greenhouse Effect?
云温室效应,cloud greenhouse effect,音标,读音,翻译,英文例句,英语词典This unbalancedness is mainly shown in green-house effect,ozonospere disruption and species extinction. 人口与环境之间的矛盾日益突出,当今矛盾双方力量的不平衡性主要表现在温室效应、Green house effectClimate change is our greatest global challenge.As the Stern Review made clear,inaction is not an option.The homes we live in today are making a significant contribution to climate。
a green house effect
冷室效应,coldhouse effect,音标,读音,翻译,英文例句,英语词典This unbalancedness is mainly shown in green-house effect,ozonospere disruption and species extinction. 人口与环境之间的矛盾日益突出,当今矛盾双方力量的不平衡性主要表现在温室效应、温室效应,greenhouse effect英语短句,例句大全1.This paper analyses the importance of current situation of population,water resource,green vegetation,land desert,ozonosphere and green house effect for human survival and social。
greenhouse effect怎么读
用英语介绍一下greenhouse effect_百度知道What the Greenhouse Effect?Greenhouse effect:warming of the surface and lower atmosphere of a planet(such as Earth or Venus)that is caused by conversion of solar radiation into heat in a process involving selective transmission of short wave solar radiation by the 该词条未找到_海词词典The"green house effect"is now threatening the existence of mankind.“温室效应”正威胁着人类的存在。Note:For house white nests,white/ivory colour is slightly higher in price than 。