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Nation pushes high-level opening-upEfforts will be made to preserve diversity, stability of global economyChina is expected to take an active role in the formation of new international economic and trade rules and standards, as part of its push for high-level opening-up, experts said.While stressing the promotion of high-standard...
双语说河南丨国庆假期河南红色旅游受欢迎said a source from the Department of Culture and Tourism of Henan Province on October 7. Besides, thanks to the effective measures implemented for work safety and COVID-19 pandemic prevention and control, Henan's tourism market ran smoothly during the holiday.10月7日,记者从河南...
双语说河南|郑商所去年成交额107.99万亿元 同比增长79.73%said a source from Zhengzhou Commodity Exchange on January 11. The role of Zhengzhou Commodity Exchange in real economy's high-quality development has been further highlighted.1月11日,记者从郑州商品交易所了解到,郑商所2021年全年成交量25.81亿手,成交额107.99万亿元,同比...
如果我是那张不及格的试卷我想看看标准答案不论重来多少次我都只想和你重蹈覆辙。 In the darkest place, there was a group of people who loved them most.那一片最黑的地方坐了一群最爱他们的人。 Once said forever already stopped at that moment, no longer forward. 曾说过的永远已经停在了当时的那个瞬间,不再向前。 I did h...
因安全带问题 福特停售野马Mach-E并宣布召回2304辆【智车派新闻】等待福特野马Mach-E交付的客户最好要有耐心,因为这家老牌汽车制造商已经宣布暂停销售这辆车,原因是这款车的后排安全带可能存在问题。此次召回涉及2021年10月5日至11月18日生产的2021-2022款野马Mach-E。福特发言人Said Deep证实了这一举措,他解释说,2...
泰星Mew又和泰国环球小姐合作,不愧是选美皇后收割机!Mew发布了全新单曲《Before4:30(She Said)》,不但请来了韩国知名音乐人Sam Kim参与feat,还邀请到2021年泰国环球小姐Anchilee Scott-Kemmis(以下简称Ann)担任MV女主角。这次合作,Mew和Ann都很愉快。在Mew眼中,Ann漂亮可爱,充满热情,是一个小太阳;在Ann眼中,Mew帅气迷人...
China reaps bumper 2021 harvest with grain output up 2 pctA farmer harvests rice in Youlian Village of Wuxi City, east China's Jiangsu Province, Oct. 30, 2021. China secured yet another bumper harvest this year, with grain output up 2 percent year on year, the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) said Monday. China's grain output reached nearly 683...
IN视频|今日深圳:到西涌乘风破浪,四时皆好景" Ancients once said今人则将人生乐事Yet we decide to make everyday绵延向四时好景 春夏秋冬the best day of a year123下一页全文阅读【来源:深圳新闻网】声明:转载此文是出于传递更多信息之目的。若有来源标注错误或侵犯了您的合法权益,请作者持权属证明与本网联系,我们将及...
美味的秘密:关于巧克力的10个冷知识本文转自:中国日报网 巧克力是广受喜爱的美食,据说就连拿破仑上战场都要随身携带巧克力,世界上甚至有专门纪念巧克力的节日。关于巧克力,你了解多少呢?Photo/Pexels1. 7月7日是世界巧克力日July 7 is World Chocolate Day, a nod to when chocolate was said to have been first broug...
新闻播报(July 8)本文转自:中国日报网 Steps to bolster youth employment人社部:落实落细举措助力高校毕业生就业A national employment campaign is taking place from July to December focusing on this year's 10.76 million new college graduates and jobless people under the age of 35, said the Ministry o...