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green hills and clear waters缈昏瘧

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green hills and clear waters缈昏瘧

∩﹏∩ 英语翻译山清水秀,风光奇丽,繁花似锦_作业帮There is the beautiful scenery of green hills and clear waters with various blossoms like satins. 解析看不懂?免费查看同类题视频解析山清水秀的近义词|山清水秀的同义词-乐乐课堂[green hills and clear waters;picturesque scenery]形容风景优美。也说“山明水秀”山清水秀,景色宜人引用解释形容风景优美。清周亮工《书影》卷十:“若湖州之黄蘖,不过山清水秀而已。

猜数字:山清水秀?芝士回答【拼音代码】:sqsx 【近义词】:山明水秀、山青水秀【反义词】:穷山恶水【灯谜】:桂林山水【用法】:作谓语、定语;指风景优美【英文】:green hills and clear waters水绿山青-搜狗百科green hills and clear waters 释义形容景色艳丽如画目录1 成语释义2 成语出处3 成语用法4 成语辨析1 成语释义形容景色艳丽如画[1] 2 成语出处唐·刘禹锡《洛中逢韩七中丞。

谁能帮我翻译这段文字?I am a girl student,live in the land river county of Guangdong Province Shan end city,I am a guest family.My hometown is a small town with green hills and clear waters,There people绿水青山,green hills and clear waters,音标,读音,翻译,英文例句,英语词典In this paper,the Green Landscape painting in the new period of China is my basic research object,and the time is from 1978 to 1998. 论文选择新时期青绿山水画为研究课题,并集中在1978。

有奖竞猜#看图猜成语_芝士回答示例我的家乡是个~的好地方。近义词山明水秀、山青水秀反义词穷山恶水英文green hills and clear waters 灯谜面桂林山水用法联合式;作谓语;含褒义山清水秀的英语单词_芝士回答1.Green hills,clear waters and dainty Beauties present a southern tone with an attractive elegant demeanor. 山清水秀,丽人娇小,南国情调,风采迷人。2.Forest-clad mountains and 。

新浪教育_新浪网Then a trip in Yunnan made a big change in what I see through my camera.As you all know,Yunnan has beautiful scenery-green hills and clear waters.During an excursion in the 该词条未找到_海词词典He loved to rove the green hills and clear waters.他喜欢漫游于山青水秀之乡。Pik hires Mang Lui(Lam Raymond)as a fighter.唐碧招揽了孟磊作剑手;My grandfather loved to rove the 。

